My name is Don Crislip. I'm a Software Engineering Expert residing in Cleveland, OH. Learn more about me here.
V•AST: Visualizing the Abstract Syntax Tree of your code galaxy
Designed to visually show all of the relationships in an application, V•AST provides a level of documentation not easily gained by looking at files and module imports. This tool was born from the problem of quickly seeing how large code files are, how they directly impact each other through properties and events, and their connections to APIs.
a0.1 is due to release soon on NPM. The backend provides the engine for creating any visualizations over the data. The intention is to provide several front-end experiences for the developer to choose from, but also have a headless option that will allow them to create their own front end to suit their business needs.
A fun way to learn new words
Triviary was initially written in four evenings. It was an idea from long ago that gained new life with the popularity of Words With Friends and Wordle. It has had one major release with several minor releases, and has been in production since Spring of 2022. Version 2.0 is almost ready to drop, which fixes several bugs and introduces user profiles.
This game was built on React (NextJS), Express, Supabase, and deployed via Vercel.
Artwork & Analytics
The World Surfing League has long suffered from not having a proper surf analytics site. Surfer Savant, which is a play on Baseball Savant, is admittedly an amateur attempt to provide surfing analytics at a Tour Stop level and individual surfer level.
Each visual artwork was hand drawn. There aren&apost a lot of portraits at the moment, but hopefully there will be more in the future (as time allows). This is very much a hobby project that will get fluctuations of love from time to time.
This site is built on Nuxt, Express, Supabase, and Vercel.